Friday, December 26, 2008

Header Art

Star is very keen that I should tell you, prominently, that she drew the picture in the header.


Anonymous said...

It's beautiful! I love it.

Faith said...

Star is a wonderful artist!

Catherine said...

Great job, Star! And you, too, for being able to put it on your blog. I've tried following your directions to jazz up my blog and I just can't do it. I guess computer literacy is not my forte. lol

Advena said...

The header is great. It cheers me up to look at it!

Theresa said...

It's great!!!

Shari said...

Love the smiles!! Good work, Star!

Anonymous said...

Great job! It is very cheery. Merry Christmas!

Karen Edmisten said...

It's fantabulous!

Missus Wookie said...

That sort of a tease meant that rather than reading it on Google I actually came to the blog! Good job Star :)