Friday, August 03, 2007

Mrs Tiggywinkle

My regular readers know from my repeated attempts to get off the ground with FlyLady that I am a Sidetracked Home Executive. Cleaning and tidying do not come naturally to me ... but I realised today that there is one area of housekeeping I do enjoy. Laundry! I actually like ironing. I also like hanging out and taking in washing - particularly that nice, clean, fresh-air smell when taking down the clean clothes.

And no, I'm afraid my laundry is not always up to date. And yes, the ironing pile does build up ... but I do usually manage to do better in this area of housekeeping than most others.If you wish, you may call me Mrs.Tiggywinkle :).


Anonymous said...

Hey, Mrs. Tiggywinkle! I'm assuming that you are enjoying the Fly Lady's new habit for August. A load of laundry a day is finally a FLY habit that I already have down. :)

Keep up the good work. With a little help from the FLY Lady and IKEA, miracles can happen. LOL!

Anonymous said...

Ironing is usually the first thing I do when we get to a hotel room vs. the boat! I miss crisp clothes sometimes but I'm not about to add more heat to my life right now.

The Bookworm said...

Katherine, I couldn't be more impressed with myself. I have managed FlyLady's monthly habit before I even knew what it was. How good is that? Not quite so good that I'm nearly a week into August and haven't checked the FlyLady site yet (I decided not to get the emails this time round - I get too easily discouraged).

The Bookworm said...

Jennifer, I can imagine ironing and boats do not go well together. But then, you can dry your clothes nice and crisp in the sun :) (Definition of sun: Round yellow thing in sky that emits heat and has avoided appearing over the UK for three months.)

Willa said...

I like laundry too. If everything about housekeeping was that easy and delightful, I would be a Born Organized.