Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Voices from the past

Karen E posted a link on her blog to an internet poetry archive where you can hear poets reading their own work. It reminded me that a while ago I turned on the radio and caught a snippet of Hilaire Belloc reciting one of his poems, in an old, crackly recording that sent shivers down my spine. I wondered what else might be lurking on the internet. I couldn't find Belloc but here are ...

Any shivers out there?


Karen Edmisten said...

Shivers, yes, indeed! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Kathryn, I linked this to my almost defunct Chesterton reading yahoo list!

Anonymous said...

Sigh! I love GKC. But doesn't it seem like GKC should have the booming baratone and CSL the plummy voice??


Willa said...

Bookworm, this is great! My husband and kids will be grateful for your research. But honestly, I am going to have to prepare myself before I listen to them. For some reason, it will almost feel a bit ghostly to me. ... not sure why.