I am thinking ... of new musical adventures. I'm going to try playing a new instrument with the brass band after all the Christmas events are over. Scroll down to the end to see what the New Year has in store.
From the learning rooms ... last week of school and playgroup before Christmas.
I am thankful ... for good health. I have felt so much better recently. After feeling old, tired and under the weather for months, whatever I had (something post-viral, maybe?) has shifted. Getting off the sofa has stopped feeling an effort, and I can even run upstairs again :).
From the kitchen ... pasta, pesto and creme fraiche for dinner. Mince pies to make sometime this week.
I am wearing ... dark blue jeans, red shirt with floral trim, cosy handknitted red socks.
I am creating ... a snuggly knitted wrap for my mother - hoping to get it done for Christmas, but as I only started it this morning that may be optimistic. I finished my brother's sweater, though.
I am going ... to try to get the house clean and organised for Christmas this week. The trouble is I'm not good at converting good intentions into actions. Must. Get. Busy.
I am reading ... not much. I have a pile of books on hand, but have been too busy pottering with local history research to get stuck into them.
I am hoping ... the doctors can work out what is wrong with J-next-door, who hasn't been well for the past few months - she has no energy and has had a number of scary passing out episodes. Nothing has shown up so far on the battery of tests and scans she has had. Prayers for her appreciated.
I am hearing ... Cherub talking to a Playmobil fairy.
Around the house ... girls' bedrooms so messy I don't even want to look through the doors.
One of my favorite things ... my MacBook. Can't imagine life without it.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... the culmination of a manic brass band Christmas schedule: Thursday, scouts' carol service; Friday, carols on the village green; Saturday, Christmas concert; Sunday, carols at a social club. Cherub has a playgroup Christmas party on Wednesday, but will probably decide it is too scary and she would rather stay at home. She has already decided singing Christmas songs in front of an audience of parents tomorrow is not for her.
A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ...
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A trombone now! How splendid.
How many instruments is it that you play?
I can get a tune out of most things, but I think I play about seven sort of properly, not including the trombone, which is a work in progress. I've only been playing it for a week, but I find it comes much more naturally than the baritone, hence the swap. My brother borrowed a tatty geriatric one from the band to try to learn to play. I was trying to help him - the blind leading the blind as I had never touched one before - and discovered I liked it. Someone is digging a newer, better one out of the band room for me for Friday :).
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