1. What is your favorite sign of Spring?
Warmth! The first day when it is warm enough to go outside without a coat. I love being able to feel the fresh air instead of having to wrap up against it. In the past I used to judge the arrival of spring by the cat. We had this beautiful, but very timid grey puss, who would only go outside if the weather was nice enough to tempt her. Between October and March she was a completely indoor cat, and we always knew spring had arrived when Puddy decided it was warm enough to venture out of the cat flap for the first time.
2. Did you remember to spring forward on March 14? If not, how did it impact your day? I did not. And if I had done, it would have left me an hour early for everything. We are springing forward next Sunday, March 28th.
3. If soil, time, talent and climate were no problem, what vegetable would you plant in a garden this year?
Peas. Whenever we go to the pick-your-own farm peas are our vegetable of choice. We love them straight from the pod - even the daughter who doesn't normally eat peas likes them raw and freshly shelled - and there is something relaxing about shelling peas.
4. If soil, time, talent and climate were no problem, what fruit would you plant?
A cherry tree. I love, love, love cherries. And I would get the joy of all that pretty blossom as well as the fruit.
5. What is your least favorite insect?
Wasps. They sting.
6. March 22 was World Water Day. To celebrate, here are some water questions. Do you drink bottled water? If so, what brand?
In the past I used to drink bottled water in the summer as it was easier to keep in the fridge. In the winter I would just drink tap water as it comes out ready chilled. Now we have a fridge with a water cooler, so no more bottled water. As for brand - the cheapest supermarket own brand. And I like my water still not sparkling.
7. Have you ever been somewhere that it was not safe to drink the local water? If so, how did you handle that?
In Greece they usually advise tourists not to drink the tap water - it is safe enough, but the different mineral content (or some such?) makes it liable to upset stomachs that aren't used to it. I buy bottled water.
8. How many glasses of water do you drink per day?
It varies. Sometimes many, always a few. I tend to grab a cup of water when I'm in the kitchen doing other things, but often only drink half of it.
9. March 24 is the birthday of Harry Houdini. Have you ever watched a professional magic show? Share.
Only children's entertainers. The last time was at a friend's daughter's birthday party when Cherub was two. Cherub was petrified and has now decided that magicians are to be avoided at all costs.
10. Have you ever been a participant in a professional magic show (up on stage!)?
No. I am not a going-up-on-stage sort of person.
11. March 24 is also the birthday of Steve McQueen and Clyde Barrow. Do you like Westerns or gangster movies? If so, what is your favorite?
I can't remember the last time I watched a western, but I went through a phase of liking them as a teenager - inspired by The High Chapparal on TV, I think. No specific favourite, but a friend and I had a joint crush on Clint Eastwood for a while, and I remember enjoying Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.
12. (Really random) What U.S. state that you've never visited would you like to visit someday?
I've never been to the US, so I'd be happy to visit any. If I had to choose, I think it would be between New York, California and Alaska (inspired by Theresa).
Random Dozen comes from 2nd Cup of Coffee, but this week is being guest hosted South Lakes Mom at I Didn't Know THAT!
Great answers. I love peas too. Thanks for sharing. Blessings, SusanD
I hadn't thought of a 'pick you own' peas experience! That might be in order to find this summer!
Thanks for doing RD! And hope your springing forward is smooth!
great answers, I grow peas in my garden and they are fun to pick, sure wish I could grow a cherry tree that would be so awesome....my son would be in heaven he loves cherry pie!
You and I had a lot of similar answers! I'm rejoicing at leaving the winter cold behind most of all, and being able to open my windows again without suffering for it. And a cherry tree would be lovely - but never occurred to me as a fruit for some reason LOL
I played Random Dozen too, over here.
come on over to Georgia, anytime!
We'll show you some Southern hospitality...
my bradford pear trees and cherries bloomed just a couple of days ago.
great answers :)
How fun to pick your own peas...we have a local farm where we can pick raspberries in season. In spite of being in the high desert of NM, we have cold winters, so I understand your seasonally indoor kitty...we had the same kind of thing, although it was probably late November to March (although as of 5 p.m. today, it's snowed, sleeted and rained here...brr!) Loved your answers!
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