Thursday, December 05, 2013


Yes, I am still alive.

No, I have not forgotten about my blog.

Yes, I do still want to keep blogging, I just somehow got out of the habit.

The longer I go without writing the harder I find it to get started again. This is a "just do it!" post to get myself unjammed. More soon, I promise. Of course, it would serve me right if by this time I am simply talking to myself!


Willa said...

Nice to see you back!!

PixieMum said...

Assumed you were very busy with family and with full time work, like you I had begun to lose the habit of blogging.

One of my problems is that someone took umbrage at something I had posted a year earlier, I have a self imposed embargo about this aspect of our lives so haven't felt able to post about all the changes this has wrought in our lives.

Instead my posts vary between a record of our lives and my knitting and whimsical thoughts that can amuse me.

elli said...

I've missed you! I hope all is well. Blessed Advent :-)


Karen Edmisten said...

Kathryn, so funny to find this post tonight, when I just posted something beginning, "Oh, no! I forgot I had a blog!"

Pamela said...

I've been pretty useless about blogging and reading blogs lately but that will change. I love Facebook for the instant access it gives me to family and friends all over the world, but I curse it at times because I spend much too much time on it!

I'm over at Finally decided to come out of the shadows and share my blog again so I'm hoping to meet some new blog friends and reconnect with old ones.

A very Happy Hanukkah (belated), Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family!

Pamela said...

No, sorry, it's I keep forgetting that the lady of the house speaking domain was already taken.