Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Space Walk

Cherub's topic at school for this half term is space and the solar system, so we have been looking at space stuff at home. We just discovered a wonderful app - if you have a Mac, an iPhone, iTouch or iPad, I highly recommend downloading Solar Walk, which allows you to wander around and explore the solar system with your fingers (or mouse). The graphics are amazing, you can see the position of the planets relative to the sun in real time, turn the planets to see the light and dark sides, zoom in to look at all the planets and their moons. Absolutely spectacular. (And at £1.79 - which I guess is probably $2.99 in the US - a bargain.)

PS. If you are reading on a feed reader, pop over and have a look at my nice new header. I decided it was finally time to move my blog on from its summer look! I also added lists of current reading for myself and Cherub to the sidebar.


  1. I was just sitting here as your page opened looking at the header - love it! I must tell my daughet-in-law re the app. She teaches little ones, so I am sure will love it too. Thanks!

  2. Solar Walk sounds great -- thanks!

    And I love the new header!

  3. Oh I love the new header!

  4. Hi - me again - yes, you can get them in most stores. Waitrose, Sainsbury's, Tesco. They are in the chilled pastry section in a little tin like a cola tin. About £1.50 and there are 6 in each tin. They are wonderful and great family favourites, and I sometomes roll fruit or chocolate or cheese in them before baking. And at times, a frankfurter too!

  5. Pretty header. What a cool app, we'll have to get that.

    I'll keep looking for the chilled pastry things but don't find them often..

  6. Oh yes, I've got that app on my iPhone, it's really lovely. I always like your headers -- or, I like all of them! :-)
