Monday, January 17, 2011

Simple Woman's Daybook: 17th January 2010

Outside My Window ... a wet January evening, following a (very) wet January day. Cherub is the only person who doesn't mind the weather, as she likes wearing her wellies and paddling in puddles.

I am thinking ... about my new weekly routine. I now have to fit in around 15 hours a week of study. 

From the learning rooms ... last week's study school was excellent. Enthusiastic and supportive tutors, friendly students, interesting sessions, and it was fun to be back in an academic environment. I'm now all fired up and ready to start the real work. 

I am thankful ... for a supportive husband, willing and able to hold the fort while I was away.

From the kitchen ... chicken stir fry tonight. I haven't got my head round the rest of the week yet.

I am wearing ... dark grey cord trousers, pink sweater and stripy hand-knitted socks.

I am creating ... socks for my brother and an aran cardigan for myself. My warm, woolly winter scarf was finished just in time to take with me last week.

I am going ... crazy creating schedules for myself. Can I stick to them? 

I am reading ... Fire Watch by Connie Willis. Read The Tale of Hawthorn House, another of Susan Witteg Albert's Beatrix Potter novels while I was away - light, easy, gentle reading (avoid these books if you are irritated by talking animals and fairies, though).

I am hoping ... I will enjoy the archive course and won't hit overload with the work.

I am hearing ... Newsnight on TV.

Around the house ... housework and laundry needing to be done. Ugh. 

One of my favourite things ... coming home after a trip away and seeing all my favourite people.

A few plans for the rest of the week ... Tuesday: taking Cherub to the farm with some little school friends; Thursday: archive; Friday: out for lunch with Grandma and Cherub; Saturday evening / Sunday afternoon: two performances of the girls' dance show, postponed due to December's snow. 

A picture thought I am sharing ... 

Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman


  1. We're having chicken stir fry here too.

    I adore that photo of Cherub! She's such a sweet little pixie.

  2. Cherub is absolutely, positively, undeniably adorable. :)

  3. Whoa when did Cherub get so big! Pretty hair and dress. Good luck with the studying.

  4. She IS sweet! I wish my 6-year-old would let me do her hair like that.
