Friday, January 21, 2011

7 Quick Takes: 21st January 2010

1. The photo in my header was taken in the Lake District last February, looking across a rooftop in Grasmere (home of William Wordsworth) to the mountains behind. This is the original before cropping.

2. Reading through a wiki timeline of the history archives this morning I came across this note about St. Lawrence:

"August 6, 258:   St. Lawrence the Deacon, one of the patron saints of archivists, is murdered, purportedly by being burned to death on a giant gridiron. His feast day is honored by archivists the world over by the eating of cold cuts (meats), in honor of the method he died. He protected the sacred books of the Church of Rome (probably including baptismal & marriage registers) from being sezied by the pagan Roman authorities."

3. More on the archive theme ... archivist meets Star Wars geek. Check out this article on the Jedi archives.

4.  Ooh! I want to play! Marathon knitting. I'll have to do this the next time I have a day with lots of time for knitting, though it may not come along for a while. HT: Jenn, who is doing a marathon knit today.

5.Wednesday was One Of Those Days. The final straw after a catalogue of minor disasters during the morning was finding a cucumber literally running around the vegetable drawer in the fridge. Once cucumbers get old enough, all that water has to find a way out ...

6. Cherub has just announced that "eleven and eight make ten". One and one and eight add up to ten (well worked out, Cherub!), and of course, one and one make eleven, so eleven and eight must be ten. Q.E.D.

7. It may be that everyone else in the UK has already discovered this site, but I stumbled across  Voucher Codes for the first time today while looking to see if a restaurant chain had any special offers. Looks as though it could be very useful.

1 comment:

  1. #6 is so cute!
    Here's hoping for a day soon filled with knitting for you!
