Monday, January 24, 2011

Simple Woman's Daybook: 24th January 2011

Outside My Window ... another damp and chilly January evening.

I am thinking ... of nothing more taxing than this blog post. I've done my thinking for the day.

From the learning rooms ... one week into my course and so far the workload is quite easily manageable. I have my first short assignment done - just needs reading over tomorrow before I submit it. Angel got her GCSE mock results back last week and did better than she expected with a mix of As and Bs. Considering she had very little revision time due to exams clashing with the dance show we are all happy. Cherub has started doing a Sounds-Write phonics scheme at school. She is exactly like Angel in that she can break down short words into their sounds and spell them, but can't yet put the same sounds together and read them. Being able to spell words you can't read is just plain odd.

I am thankful ... that, so far at least, it doesn't look as though I have bitten off more than I can chew!

From the kitchen ... potato wedges and haddock in butter sauce (out of a packet, I was feeling lazy).

I am wearing ... dark grey cord trousers, pink sweater and stripy hand-knitted socks. Coincidentally exactly the same as last week.

I am creating ... socks for my brother and an aran cardigan for myself. Also the same as last week.

I am going ... crazy creating schedules for myself. Can I stick to them? 

I am reading ... I have been carrying around Fire Watch by Connie Willis but haven't read any more of it yet. I just downloaded a sample of The King's Speech to my iPad. Tevye and I saw the film last week and loved it (if you haven't seen it, go!). It whetted my interest in finding out more about George VI and his speech therapist Lionel Logue (the book is written by Logue's grandson, Mark).

I am hoping ... the backache which is bothering Tevye goes away.

I am hearing ... not much, just a bit of background noise.

Around the house ... laundry caught up, but housework? Blah. I did manage to reorganise Cherub's toys which were spreading over the sitting room floor as there was nowhere to put them.

One of my favourite things ... watching and listening to Cherub. Four is such an entertaining age.

A few plans for the rest of the week ... Tuesday: looking after Little-Friend-N for a while after school; otherwise pretty much a routine week with nothing extra on the calendar. Nice after a hectic couple of weeks.

A picture thought I am sharing ...
my favourite teenager

Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman


  1. Ooo! My daughter does that -- the spelling words she can't read! A delightfully quirky thing, though in her case I've always thought it was connected somehow with her being a late reader. The spelling bit she's done since 3 or 4. She has an, over all, very interesting (unusual, outside the norm) relationship with letters and words.

  2. Sounds like your work load is so far o.k. housework... yeah that will continue whatever you are doing.

    Congrats on the mock results too!
