Friday, November 19, 2010

7 Quick Takes: 19th November

The quickest of quick takes today, for reasons that will be apparent.

Seven things added in to our usual busy routine between now and next Saturday:

1. A volunteers' training day at the archive, learning to read sixteenth and seventeenth century documents.

2. An orchestra concert with extra afternoon rehearsal.

3. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

4. Visits to mum in hospital (one hour drive each way).

5. A trip to Dundee in Scotland for an interview for an archive course (seven hour train journey with three changes each way and an overnight stay).

6. Sixth form open evening with Angel.

7. Gymnastics competition for Star in Ipswich (two and a half hour drive each way to perform one minute floor routine. 

Breathe ...

Visit Conversion Diary for more quick takes 


  1. How do you do it all? Am full of admiration especially as you seem to achieve so much in the field of knitting apart from huge family commitments, study, and a home maker.

  2. Wow! Busy. But once you're actually on the train to Scotland, it will be nice to open up a book and relax knowing you don't need to be doing anything else. I love train journeys, so much more relaxing than driving.

  3. Busy, busy, hope all is well. x
