Monday, November 22, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook: 22nd November

Outside My Window ... a dull damp morning. Heading into a cold snap later this week, with snow forecast.

I am thinking ... whether there is anything I have forgotten to tell Tevye, who is in charge at home for the next couple of days.

From the learning rooms ... another sixth form open evening for Angel on Thursday.  

I am thankful ... Mum is doing very well. After recovering slowly but steadily last week she is now zooming ahead, doing lots more walking. She just has to master stairs and then she will be able to come home. She had been put on the waiting list for a rehab hospital, but looks as though she will not be needing it.

From the kitchen ... 
Today: Oven chips and chicken fingers
Tomorrow: Chicken pie and mash
Wednesday: Cottage pie (didn't get made last week as I had run out of potatoes)
Thursday: Baked potatoes and cauliflower cheese
Friday: International meal with neighbours (I have to make a starter); girls will probably have pizza or pasta
Saturday: ??
Sunday: Roast beef or lamb (can't remember what is in the freezer)

I am wearing ... dark grey cord trousers, pink sweater, pink socks

I am creating ... super chunky wrist warmers (one done); long chunky cardigan for myself (knitted the body last winter, just the sleeves to go; soft merino / mohair aran scarf for Angel for Christmas. Finished my brother's socks yesterday, which were driving me nuts as the yarn was too splitty and tangly. Planning to start a pair of bedsocks for Mum on the train today.

I am going ... to Scotland! I have an interview tomorrow morning for the distance learning archives course I am hoping to start in January. I know they are unsure I have enough prior experience and want to discuss that with me to see what gaps there are and how to fill them before starting the course. I'm hoping the gaps don't turn out to be huge gaping holes! The journey takes seven hours with three changes of trains. I love trains, though, so I'm happy. And I have loads of stuff set up on my iPad to play with (a film, two episodes of Lost, books on iBooks and Kindle, a free sample National Georgraphic magazine, music, games, and my knitting pattern). Have iPad, will travel.

I am reading ... ready and waiting on the iPad - The Tale of Cuckoo Brow Wood (one of Susan Wittig Albert's Beatrix Potter mysteries), G. K. Chesterton autobiography, Cranford (Elizabeth Gaskell), Emma (Jane Austen). That should keep me going for a while.

I am hoping ... the interview goes well, and that Mum masters those stairs quickle.

I am hearing ... Come Outside on TV. Auntie Mabel and Pippin are investigating apples.

Around the house ... somewhere between order and disorder. Could be better, could be worse.

One of my favorite things ... train journeys. I am a train and boat person. So much more fun than cars and planes.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... another manic week, but I'm hoping that after this things will calm down. Today: travelling up to Scotland; Tomorrow: interview and travelling back again; Wednesday: visit Mum, meeting in the evening to organise First Communion classes' nativity play; Thursday: record office (or hospital?), sixth form open evening; Friday: meal with neighbours; Saturday: taking Star to Ipswich for gym competition (unless the weather turns nasty. I am not driving there in snow!). Hoping I haven't forgotten anything.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ... Star, aged 8, at the launch party for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (we saw the film last night - apparently it has broken a ton of box office records in the UK).

Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman


  1. Good luck with the interview - the course sounds intriguing!

  2. Hope the course went well and ahhhh "Come Outside" drove me nuts but both kids loved it.
