Monday, November 15, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook: 15th November

Outside My Window ...
Frosted November.
Monday morning dawns foggy
and unappealing.
(And I have an inexplicable urge to write haiku!)

I am thinking ... or perhaps it is the subliminal effect of watching a documentary about the poet Wilfrid Owen and ordering a set of Japanese knitting needles yesterday (poetry + Japan = haiku)

From the learning rooms ... "wedding day" for Cherub on Thursday, and "spotty day" to raise money for Children in Need on Friday; a sixth form open evening (at her current school) for Angel on Wednesday; safari animals in Cherub's story sack. 

I am thankful ... Mum's operation went to plan. She is recovering slowly (only to be expected at her age), but turned a corner yesterday when she was able to walk to the bathroom and back and was in much less pain.

From the kitchen ... Today: Cottage pie
Tuesday: Crockpot bbq chicken and rice
Wednesday: Turkey steaks and potato wedges?
Thursday: Toad in the hole
Friday: Fish and chips
Saturday: Baked potatoes and cauliflower cheese
Sunday: Roast chicken

I am wearing ... dark grey cord trousers, grey long sleeved t-shirt, stripey grey cardigan, thick hiking socks.

I am creating ... birthday socks for my brother (one sock done, the second started); super chunky wrist warmers (one done); long chunky cardigan for myself (knitted the body last winter, just the sleeves to go; soft merino / mohair aran scarf for Angel for Christmas. Finished Mr Greyjeans cardigan (it's sort of OK, but not great) and knit a soft chunky snood for Star over the weekend. Loads more projects in the pipeline.

I am going ... to have another crazy busy week.

I am reading ... between books again.

I am hoping ... Mum continues to improve and is out of hospital before the end of the week.

I am hearing ... Cherub rootling around in a box of play food.

Around the house ... an ironing mountain that I need to tackle NOW.

One of my favorite things ... the smell of homemade bread.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... Today: work (freelance for Michael's office), visit Mum; Tuesday: work, visit Mum, first aid course for Angel at gym; Wednesday: work, sixth form open evening for Angel, band practice; Thursday: hospital visit again, orchestra rehearsal; Friday: training day for volunteers at Aylesbury museum, learning to read 16th and 17th deeds (looking forward to this!); Saturday: Orchestra rehearsal and concert; Sunday: Harry Potter movie (looking forward to this too!). Not sure what will happen about hospital visits at the back end of the week as no idea yet how long Mum will be there.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ... Cherub, baby and iPad!

Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman

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