Thursday, July 15, 2010

July and August Plans

A halfway through the month update on how my July plans are coming along:
  • Knit something and finish it - even my knitting is drifting (socks? I feel a sock-knitting urge coming on) - one and a half socks knitted
  • Take Cherub to the butterfly farm - no, and can't see this happening now. We did make it to the local open farm though.
  • Visit the pick-your-own farm to pick strawberries - weather permitting I'd like to take Star and Cherub on Wednesday (Angel has an extra day of school)
  • Spend more time outdoors - not doing great. First it was too hot, now it is too wet.
  • Read (and finish!) at least four books - oh dear! Does two chapters count?
  • Bake chocolate caramel shortbread - check
  • Keep my flowers alive - check (apart from two sad sunflowers that I think have passed the point of no return. They need to be put somewhere with room to grow, but have been abandoned in small pots.)
And a few things I am thinking of trying to do in August (which I need to write down before they fly out of my addled brain):
  • Throw out 30 more bags of stuff (surely one a day must be manageable?)
  • Learn to use the sewing machine and make something wearable for Cherub
  • Help Angel and Star to sew something for themselves
  • Pick your own farm (again)
  • Day trip to Wicksteed Park (I have some discount vouchers)
  • Read to Cherub everyday
  • Do some arty-crafty projects with Cherub
  • Girly shopping day with Angel and Star
  • Movie evenings with the big girls
  • Trip to London to do ??? 
  • Read at least part of a book everyday (even if it is just a few pages)
  • Swim a couple of times a week.
I will also be starting my archive work experience, which will take a day out of each week. If I can manage even two-thirds of that list, I'll be well pleased!


  1. Wow sounds like a major plan! You go girl! Lol.

    I've asked my two to write down what they want to do in the holidays, but so far all they've said is they want to visit a local children's museum.

  2. Trip to London to visit me?

    You sound terribly productive, I'm feeling terribly UNproductive or motivated or....

    PYO has been on my summer list for a couple of years, sadly Wookie would rather BYO even offering to venture into a supermarket for me. :sigh:
