Monday, July 12, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook: 12th July

Outside My Window ... last week's heatwave broke overnight. It's now cool and damp.

I am thinking ... about the summer. We have a whole month with no plans.

From the learning rooms ...only six more days for Star and seven for Angel before the summer break starts.

I am thankful ... for friends, new and old, real life and online.

From the kitchen ... orange chicken and rice.

I am wearing ... faded blue jeans and a mauve t-shirt.

I am creating ... the second white sock and dishcloths.

I am going ... to town to run some errands. I need dishwasher tablets, wood glue, parcel tape and a birthday gift for Cherub's friend.

I am reading ... Biting the Wax Tadpole by Elizabeth Little. Also have The Diamond Age that I picked up from the library last week ready to start.

I am hoping ... to work on my trombone with a brass teacher friend who has just returned to the UK from Australia.

I am hearing ... music on my laptop through Spotify, which I just discovered. Free streaming music for 20 hours a month (with ads), or unlimited for £5 monthly (no ads). I've been having a ball setting up playlists. I'm in a rock mood this morning - Livin' on a Prayer playing now.

Around the house ... nothing too disastrous, just routine levels of non-exactly-tidy-ness.

One of my favorite things ... music! Playing and listening.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... back to the Apple Store to get my iMac rebooted; meeting for parents at Star's school to meet the new headmaster; band practice; cinema with Angel and Star to see Twilight Eclipse.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ...

Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman


  1. 'Biting the Wax Tadpole'? Intriguing.

  2. Yikes! Is that--er--water delivery device even legal in the UK?

  3. MacBeth - legal, but stolen property, shamelessly purloined from our neighbours ;)

    Mrs Sunshine - the intriguing title is why I picked the book up. It is a book about language (linguistics). So far, so reasonably OK. Love the title, though!
