Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Chocolate Caramel Shortbread

Today I made chocolate caramel shortbread ... that is one thing crossed off my list of things to do in July.

Here is the recipe I used, from Favourite Teatime Recipes. I have a handwritten recipe of my great-aunt's, dating back to the 1920s, which is identical except that it used larger amounts for the shortbread (9 oz / 6 oz / 3 oz). Not sure whether it was baked in a larger tin, or just made the shortbread part thicker.


6 oz (1 1/2 cups) self-raising flour
4oz (1/2 cup*) butter
2 oz (1/4 cup) caster sugar
4 oz (1/2 cup) caster sugar (I prefer soft brown suga)
4 oz (1/2 cup) butter
2 tablespoons golden syrup (light corn syrup)
1 small tin (170g / 6 oz) condensed milk
Chocolate to cover (I used 3/4 of a 200 gram bar)

Stage 1
Cream butter and sugar well. Stir in flour and a pinch of salt. Knead well and place in a greased Swiss Roll tin (I used a 7 x 11 inch tin). Bake at 325deg F or Gas Mk 3 for 30 minutes until pale brown.

Stage 2 
Place topping ingredients in a pan. Bring to the boil and boil for 5 minutes, stirring continuously. Pourr over cooked shortbread

Stage 3
When caramel is set cover with melted chocolate. Cut into squares with a sharp knife dipped in hot water.

* I took the American conversions from another book. Hopefully I got them right!


  1. Lauri6:19 pm

    Oh good heavens! I was on a diet this month, Mrs! :-) I'll have to give this a try. Luckily we can get Golden Syrup here, because corn syrup just doesn't compare.

    Thanks for sharing the recipe. It looks absolutely decadent!

  2. This looks good! There's a British import store nearby and I think I can find Golden Syrup. But I have no idea what caster sugar is.

  3. Lauri ... enjoy!

    Jennifer ... I googled and it looks as though caster sugar is called superfine sugar in the US. It is ground more finely than granulated sugar, but as granulated sugar in the UK is apparently coarser than granulated sugar in the US you should be OK just using American granulated sugar. Hope that makes sense!

  4. Lauri8:59 pm

    Yes, regular US granulated white sugar will substitute. You can also whirl the sugar in a food processor for a few seconds to make it finer - I do that for cake recipes.
