Monday, July 05, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook: 5th July

Outside My Window ... grey clouds with the sun starting to break through. Another pleasantly warm and mostly sunny week forecast.

I am thinking ... about self-discipline (and my lack of it)

From the learning rooms ... Angel's last piece of English GCSE coursework is due in today, an essay on what the language used by the characters in the fight scene in Romeo and Juliet shows of their moods and motives. I'm so impressed with the way she has tackled these varied literature and language assignments. So far she has gained an A or A* mark for each one she has done.

I am thankful ... for Angel's English teacher, who has been responsible for transforming her from a decidedly average underachiever in the subject to an A / A* student.

From the kitchen ... chicken in BBQ sauce, rice and either sweetcorn or salad for dinner.

I am wearing ... black and white pyjama bottoms with a grey vest top.

I am creating ... a pair of cute white socks for myself.

I am going ... to take Cherub out to the country park for a picnic lunch. Last week I was rushing around too much to take advantage of the nice weather.

I am reading ... Biting the Wax Tadpole by Elizabeth Little.

I am hoping ... that the issues over Mum's cancelled surgery are resolved, and (assuming all is well) she doesn't have to wait too long for it to be rescheduled.

I am hearing ... silence, apart from a little traffic noise. Tevye has gone to work; Angel is up and putting the finishing touches to her English coursework; the other two girls are still asleep.

Around the house ... haven't been at home long enough this weekend to notice!

One of my favorite things ... watching Cherub dress herself. All that thought and effort to work out just how to get into items of clothing.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... a trip to the Apple Store (I need to try to get boot discs and want to peek at the iPad); end of year school disco for Star; more band at the weekend; hairdresser on Saturday (my hair is bugging me and I want it short for summer).

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ...

Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman

1 comment:

  1. My hubby would love an ipad, but he'll have to make do with the ipod touch his mum and dad bought him for his birthday! :)

    Love the picture, so summery.
