Monday, November 16, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook: 16th November

Outside My Window ... Dark. Wet. Yuck.

I am thinking ... I must write our Christmas newsletter. Tevye had a good idea for this year's theme, but I've forgotten what it was. I hope he can remember!

From the learning rooms ..."cookery" for Star today, or should I say "food preparation". They are making sandwiches. Beef salad baguettes for tomorrow's lunch is the plan.

I am thankful ... for central heating. I grew up in a house without it, so don't take it for granted. I still remember just how hard it was to force myself to get out of a nice, warm bed into an unheated bedroom. Brrrrr!

From the kitchen ... not sure what is for dinner tonight. I'm hoping inspiration will hit when I get to the supermarket. Also, Cherub is hoping to cook fairy cakes (little cupcakes) with pink icing.

I am wearing ... pink pyjamas

I am creating ...a jumper* for my brother, a long cardigan for myself and socks for Angel. I finished the shawl I was knitting for my mother but don't like the end result, so I think I will scrap it and knit her a scarf instead.
* If you are confused as to why he would be wearing a jumper, it is British English for sweater

I am going ... shopping this morning while Cherub is at playgroup. I'm almost done with Christmas shopping, but have a surprise present for the older girls to get. I also have authorisation from Santa to buy a camera. Lucky me.

I am reading ... Singled Out by Virginia Nicholson, about the "surplus women" left with no men to marry after the First World War.

I am hoping ... Tevye will forgive me for ordering that gorgeous Jesse Tree. I tried to resist, I really did, but it was just too perfect. And no, I don't know what I am going to do with the original spiral tree.

I am hearing ... CBeebies autumn jingle on the TV, which is mercifully distracting Cherub from a 20 minute whine about the injustice of being sent back to bed at 6.15. She knows she isn't allowed to get up until the "hands are at the bottom" (6.30), but thought she would push her luck this morning. Then when it was time to get up, she decided to stay in her room and sulk. Loudly. Last week was a boundary pushing week. It looks ominously as though this will be another.

Around the house ... nice new bright(er) eco lightbulbs, at ridiculous expense. They still don't come on instantly, but after a bit of effort they work their way up to something resembling a good old-fashioned 100w bulb.

One of my favorite things ... my iPod Touch. Even after two years, the novelty hasn't worn off.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... a quiet week, I think. I haven't checked the calendar, though, so chances are there will be something I have forgotten!

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ...

Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman


  1. I am so thankful for central heating, too. One of my worst memories (although I can laugh about it now) involves a frigid loo at my aunt's house in Manchester!

  2. Wookie managed to force one of the radiators in our house to start working. Shame he can't work his magic on some of the others... but I am grateful for another working one!
