Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Best Friends

Cherub has a best friend. We call them the Odd Couple as they are such an unlikely combination. N is almost five and loves cars; Cherub is not quite three and a half and loves fairies and princesses. They met when Cherub first started playgroup back in January and for some reason took an instant liking to each other, despite Cherub being the youngest and smallest and N being one of the oldest and about to move on to "big" school.

This term N's mum's working hours changed and he comes to us after school on Tuesdays, which makes Cherub very happy.  It makes us very happy too as he is a lovely little boy and we enjoy watching them together. They play ... and play ... and play ... very cooperatively, apart from the occasional sharing crisis. 

Yesterday I took them to the farm, where they stroked rabbits ...

And played crazy golf ...

Sort of ...

And walked off into the sunset, holding hands ...

The cutest thing is that N is very protective of Cherub. For instance, in the car park yesterday, he heard a car engine start up, grabbed Cherub's hand and pulled her towards our car to make sure she was safe. He is also good at complimenting her pretty dresses!


  1. Anonymous9:45 am

    How lovely!

  2. So sweet! Sounds like someone is raising a real little gentleman. Good for them!
    Love Cherubs hat, btw. Did you make it yourself?

  3. Aw how sweet! Makes me think of A.A. Milne's poem "Buttercup Days" about Christopher and his friend Ann.

  4. oh my gosh, that is SO sweet!!!!

  5. LOL! The epitome of cuteness!
