Friday, November 13, 2009

Kitchen Update

Today's minor disaster ... set fire to the oven glove I was using to hold the handle of a pan. No injuries. Also no oven glove.


  1. Glad you are ok. I once brilliantly used a paper towel to grab a pan hot out of the oven. It immediately went up in flames. That was the last time I did that. :)

  2. Makes one long for the days when we could use asbestos gloves without worry.

  3. Wow! That would have woken me up right away, no coffee needed!

  4. My! You ARE talented!

  5. Yikes! Glad no one was hurt. I set an oven mitt on fire the other day when I left it on the hot stove top. We have one of those glass-top electric ranges and I'm always using it as extra counter space when I'm prepping food. Bad habit; but space is at a premium in our kitchen.

  6. Glad you are OK. And if we are all honest with each other then we (I) have to admit that if we have a gas stove we have done this. It was my favorite hot pad, darn it!

  7. Anonymous6:04 pm

    I've set fire to two sets of oven gloves and one grill handle. I am hopelessly dangerous in the kitchen.
