Monday, September 14, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook: 14th September

Outside My Window ... pale grey, early autumn light.

I am thinking ... I must remember to order new ballet shoes for Angel and Star. And Angel needs new school shirts ... and Star needs school shoes ... and a leotard ... and goodness knows what else I have forgotten. Eek.

From the learning rooms ... homework. Blah!

I am thankful ... for all the quality time with Tevye over the weekend (thanks to Angel!)

From the kitchen ... beef stew and dumplings. Autumn comfort food.

I am wearing ... pyjamas again. Pink and white this week.

I am creating ... a green baker boy / jockey style hat for Cherub, using up some left over cotton yarn. It is a very old pattern I found in my mother's collection and I'm not at all sure how it will turn out.

I am going ... to Marks and Spencer in search of a dressing gown for my mother's birthday next week (her request) and to return a pair of trousers bought online.  I ordered them in both size 16 and size 18 as reviews said they tend to come up small. The 16s fit and the 18s are going back. This is a very good thing!

I am reading ... Custom Knits by Wendy Bernard.

I am hoping ... for a busy, productive week. Last week both Cherub and I had colds and inertia set in.

I am hearing ... Tweenies on TV

Around the house ...getting cleaner and tidier. I'm finally finding myself organised enough to do more than the bare minimum.

One of my favorite things ... the cool tang in the air on a clear, bright autumn day.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... Angel has a babysitting job tonight; thinking of taking Cherub and her friend N to the pick-your-own farm tomorrow; a planning meeting for First Communion classes on Thursday evening (classes start on Saturday morning); Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) this weekend.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ...

Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman.

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