Wednesday, September 16, 2009

In Our World ...

Muddy puddles are for jumping in. 

An electronic version of "For He's A Jolly Good Fellow" is fairy music.

Life is full of "great good ideas".

Slippers are to keep your feet warm in bed. 

Doing a cartwheel means waving your arms in a wheel shape.

Wellies can be used to enhance any outfit.

Spiders are good; ants are bad.

Adults dressed as cartoon characters to entertain children are an invention of the devil and mean one must be taken home immediately for safety.

There is no correlation between intake of food (substantial) and size (small).

Big sisters are devoted and beloved slaves.

Thanks to Sarah at This Heavenly Life (HT: Melanie)

1 comment:

  1. Oh, yes - animated character costumed people are devilish indeed :)

    Thank you for the link! I'm so glad you joined in!
