Sunday, September 13, 2009


She is, you know. Thanks to Angel, Tevye and I are having an especially nice weekend.

Last week Angel and J-next-door announced that they were planning to cook dinner for us and J's parents on Friday evening - a belated wedding anniversary celebration for us, and to celebrate A-next-door getting a new job. They did an amazing job, shopping, cooking, washing up ... the lot. This was the menu:

Starter: Vegetable kebabs
Main Course: Chicken in white wine sauce (all cooked from scratch), boiled new potatoes and steamed broccoli
Dessert: Fruit salad, ice cream and melted chocolate

Then last night she babysat while Tevye and I went out for a meal and to the cinema. Tapas, followed by Julie and Julia. I loved the film ... food, blogging, more food, a little romance, humour, food - what's not to like? A bit too much of a girly film for Tevye, though. Came back to Angel dealing very competently with a distressed Cherub, who had had a coughing fit that made her gag and was upset because she thought she was going to be sick (she wasn't, fortunately).

I also came back to a nice bunch of artificial flowers Star had bought for me while shopping in town with her friend earlier.

I love my daughters.

1 comment:

  1. Oh what thoughtfulness! You are blessed!
