Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Little Miss Night Owl

Angel, knowing I was ill and Tevye was tired, offered to sleep in Little Cherub's room last night and deal with her if (when!) she woke up. We gratefully accepted.

Angel's approach is rather more go-with-the-flow than ours (which is more along the lines of nurse, then return toddler to bed regardless of protests). Apparently Cherub woke at 1 a.m. and chatted away happily for an hour and a half before falling asleep again. Then she woke up for the day at 5.45.

And yes, I did truly appreciate the uninterrupted night's sleep. I did hear chunterings from Cherub's room, but was far too tired to worry about them. Isn't Angel a sweetie? I do hope she is not suffering too much after her long night. Cherub is making up for hers with a nice long nap this afternoon.


  1. Yes she is a sweetie (Angel here although Cherub is indeed cute but not at 1am....). Hope you and T feel better soon.

  2. Yes she is a sweetie!!! I hope you are feeling better soon!
