Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Sweet and Fizzy

That's me! I've been given the Lemonade Award by Chez Nous and it is my turn to pass it on.

These are the rules:

1. Put the logo on your blog or post.

2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude!

3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.

4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.

5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.

And here are ten blogs that add a bit of fizz to my day ...

Theresa at LaPaz Home Learning ... whose creativity makes me wish I was still homeschooling, and who almost makes me want to live in Alaska.

Jennifer at As Cozy as Spring ... whose yarn makes me long to knit, and whose flowers make me wish I had green fingers instead of black thumbs.

Jennifer of the S/V Mari Hal-O-Jen ... who makes me want to live on a boat. (Hmm! Seems I am living vicariously through blogging friends!)

Willa at In a Spacious Place ... because she makes me think.

Lissa from The Bonny Glen ... for being warm, witty, and having a gorgeous chunk of new baby.

Dorothy at You Did What? ... she has already had the award from Chez Nous, but no reason why she can't have it again. Her blog is real, and witty, and she takes great photos. She is also one of my oldest real life homeschooling friends (and no, I don't mean age!). Along with the next blogger, who I first met on the same day ...

Missus Wookie ... scrapbooker and Sonlight-using unschooler extraordinaire.

Melanie at The Wine Dark Sea ... because Little Cherub loves to watch videos of Bella. And because I love to read of her life with her two (soon to be three) little ones.

Karen Edmisten ... because she has Ramona, who deserves a Lemonade Award of her very own.

And last, but not least, my kindred spirit Shari at St. Anthony's Hobbit Homeschool ... for being able to get 12 year old boys to write in the style of G. K. Chesterton.

If I tagged you and you want to play along, great. If you don't have time - or feel too put on the spot trying to pick out blogs - just take this as an expression of appreciation for brightening my mornings.


  1. Well,thank you very much! I think you are sweet and fizzy, too!

  2. Thanks - you brighten my day too :) I'm going to have fun wandering off to visit all the other blogs too!

  3. Thank you! And we skipped Ocular Athletics today so they could shovel snow (again! 240 inches so far this winter...could be a record!).

  4. Thank you, Kathryn. You made my day. :-)

  5. Anonymous4:46 am

    I forgot to say thank you for this - perhaps you should revoke my award for gratitude. :)
    Anyway, thank you. This brought a very happy smile to my face!

  6. Anonymous12:48 pm

    Oh thank you, Kathryn! In view of your wintery weather this week I poured a tropical lemony treat for you over at the S/V Mari Hal-O-Jen. Stop on by! (I wish you could - that snow picture above looks frigid! Brrr...)
