Monday, January 26, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook: 26th January

For Monday 26th January

Outside My Window ... dry and mild with a few patches of blue sky.

I am thinking ... that maybe I should take a leaf out of Michele's book and get a light box. The dull days and dark nights this winter have got to me more than usual.

From the learning rooms ... a Shakespeare workshop on Midsummer Night's Dream with a professional actor for Star.

I am thankful for ... my nice, fresh and clean looking living room.

From the kitchen ... crockpot beef and mushrooms.

I am wearing ... navy sweat pants, blue hooded top, warm hiking socks.

I am creating ... thick, woolly self-patterning socks. I have a sock obsession.

I am going ... back to IKEA to buy new lamps for the living room.

I am reading ... Nella Last's War (diary) and Catholics in England 1558-1829: a Social History

I am hoping ... a course of antibiotics will deal with the chest infection I'm struggling with.

I am hearing ... Cherub talking to her toys, and my brother sanding woodwork upstairs.

Around the house ... toy explosion. Mostly Playmobil and Duplo.

One of my favorite things ... summer holidays.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... rest and recuperation.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing ... our summer holiday destination

Check out The Simple Woman for links to other Daybooks and instructions if you want to do one of your own.


  1. Your summer holiday destination looks lovely - where is it?

  2. I hope you are feeling better soon! Ked's had the flu here (and yes, she had the influenza vaccine!) and she has been miserable. On the mend now, though.

  3. Yes, where are you going?
