Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Blog Review 2008

I loved this idea from Kelli of "There is No Place Like Home":

Post the first sentence of your first blog post of each month. You can also add a favorite picture from each month.

May you all have a happy, healthy and blessed 2008!


I often find that different seasons interact... the chronological seasons, the liturgical seasons and my own life seasons.


ENTP, Originator, Intellectual, Linguistic, Logical

That's me, according to


I know I have a few readers who are Mac users, so I thought I'd pass on a recommendation for some image editing software I have been using: ImageWell.


Tevye and I have been away ... two days and one night on our own!


After thinking and reading about Montessori and Waldorf for a while, over the last couple of weeks I have been digging my way back into Charlotte Mason's educational philosophy, and realising over again why I have always found it such a wise path.


Outside My Window ... the darkening sky of a warm summer's evening.


Lots of irresistible babies at the zoo this week.


Outside My Window ... washing hanging on the line and skies turning ominously grey.


I love it! Little Cherub is at the stage where she mostly gets the words right, but the order is often rather tangled up.


This is a confusing year.


Outside My Window
... dark, cold, wet December morning.
If you want to play along, visit Kelli and add your post to her Mr Linky.

HT: Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom


Sweetness and Light said...

I love this, what a great year you all had!! Many many blessings in the new year to come!!

Alice Gunther said...

Wow, you have certainly had a BEAUTIFUL year!

Sandra said...

Loved reading yours :)

Happy New Year!

Melanie Bettinelli said...

Oh what fun! I did it all wrong, but am pleased with the results, however erroneous. A happy and blessed new year to you and your family.

Advena said...

What a great idea! I was just trying to figure out how to do a blog retrospective....maybe this will work for me, too.

You have a beautiful family.