Monday, July 07, 2008

Simple Woman's Daybook: July 7th

For Monday 7th July

Outside My Window
... rain

I am thinking ... how sorry I feel for Angel and Star who have a long walk to school through the rain.

I am thankful for ... Monday mornings. I love the quiet of a Monday morning after a noisy, busy weekend with everyone home. As a homeschooler I always found it terribly sad to hear people say how glad they were when their children went back to school after breaks. How I despised myself when I realised I now breathe a sigh of relief! But when I thought about it, I came to see that it was more about routine than any feeling of not wanting the older two around. During weekends and school holidays life is so much more unpredictable. More fun in some ways, but also more tiring. Even as a homeschooler it was often a relief to get back to some sort of school routine after breaks. I love having the big girls around, but I couldn't live in holiday or weekend mode all the time, whether they were at home or at school. As it is, Monday is my breathing space day when I change back to weekday toddler pace. We rarely need to go anywhere on a Monday. I have time to play with and read to Cherub, to bake, and to get on track with housework. So yes, I'm thankful for Monday mornings.

From the kitchen ... baking day. I'm planning to make bread, both white and wholemeal. I have a good quick wholemeal bread recipe, but the couple of white bread recipes I've been using aren't quite right. I want to experiment with a new recipe.

I am wearing ... black jeans, a green cardigan, and the same black and white striped t-shirt and grey Crocs as last week.

I am creating ... not a lot. My knitting binge has stalled.

I am going ... to try out digital scrapbooking. I never seem to get the solid chunks of time I need to get out my scrapping stuff.

I am reading ... How the Heather Looks by Joan Bodger.

I am hoping ... Little Cherub will soon be better. She woke up this morning snuffling and slightly feverish.

I am hearing ... Tweenies on the television. TV rules are suspended as Little Cherub isn't well, and she is tucked up on the sofa under a throw. Usually she watches TV first thing in the morning while I come round (I am so not a morning person!), and watches a DVD between dinner and her bath as part of her bedtime routine. I try to keep it turned off in between. I am also hearing ominous creaking noises from the washing machine. It is going to have to go. I sense a catastrophic breakdown is imminent.

Around the house ... tidiness and order. Both Angel and Star blitzed their bedrooms over the weekend and had major clearouts. Angel had been protesting that the mess in hers was due to lack of suitable storage for bits and pieces. I bought her drawer dividers and baskets at IKEA last week, and she now has everything organised immaculately. She also got rid of two large bags of junk. Angel's efforts inspired Star. Her room is also now beautifully tidy and she has sorted out a bag of stuff she hopes to sell.

One of my favorite things ... the smell of newly baked bread.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... a parents' evening at Angel's new school (she moves to Upper School in September), tap dance exams for both Angel and Star, and yet another brass band job on Saturday (it is the village fete season). I was thinking of a trip to the zoo tomorrow, but unless both Little Cherub and the weather make a rapid recovery I doubt it will happen.

Here is picture thought I am sharing ...

Check out The Simple Woman for links to other Daybooks and instructions if you want to add your own.


  1. Anonymous5:04 pm

    It sounds as though you have a peaceful, lovely start to the week happening in your home. I would *love* some of your rain; the Sonoran desert isn't known for its deluges like England is. Maybe that's why we're considering a move to the PNW, lol!

    I'll be baking bread tomorrow...

    Have a wonderful week!

  2. Anonymous5:11 pm

    I'm in the North of England and it has been raining on and off all day. I can't stand too much heat, so this is fine by me until I need to go outside!!
    I also love the smell of freshly baked bread - just never have the time to make any!

  3. It is so hot and muggy here that any baking has been suspended, but I love the smell of bread baking, also! And then eating the bread w/ some real butter on it, as soon as it can be cut!

  4. Great insight on why people feel relieved when their kids go back to school. Thank you for sharing that. It makes perfect sense!! Have a wonderful Monday!!

  5. Loved reading your daybook entry :)

    The book sounds interesting, I've written it down to check it out for myself, thanks :)

  6. I don't think you should feel guilty about breathing a sigh of relief that its Monday. Not everyone is a Homeschool teacher. And you have a toddler too. That takes a lot of energy. The bread looks and sounds great. Perhaps you'd share the recipe. I have experimented with bread making. I like the mozzerella and sundried tomato bread I've made twice but haven't yet found a whole weat or white that we like. We love the whole wheat Berry bread we buy. Wish I could make that.
    Mama Bear

  7. Anonymous11:40 pm

    Isn't the smell of homemade bread fantastic?

  8. Hope the little one feels better soon.
    I too like Mondays. I like getting back to business!

  9. I hope your little one feels better very soon.

    I love the smell of freshly baked bread! I haven't made bread for decades (really). I hope to start making bread again when our homeschool starts again in September.


  10. Anonymous1:33 pm

    I enjoyed reading your daybook. I hope your little one is feeling better this morning and that you are able to go to the zoo. : )
    Mondays have always been one of my favorite days too... a brand new start.
    Happy Day!
    Julie D.

  11. I can totally relate to your positive feelings about Mondays. For me, a routine gives me some stability, an anchor. I also love your favorite thing. . .fresh, baked bread!!!
