Sunday, July 06, 2008

Answered Questions

When we made the decision last year to send Star to school we had a number of doubts and questions ...
"Star ... is a quirky personality who may well turn out to be a square peg in a round hole at school and we are far less confident that school will be right for her in the long term. So why send her? Partly because we hope the structured environment will be good for her, and partly because she wants to try. This year is a natural starting point as her year group will be beginning Middle School, so if she is going to try school this is a sensible time. We are going to reassess things after a year, and it may be that she will come home again. If so, then it will be with a number of answered questions, both for her and for us. Watch this space!"
It seems our questions have been well and truly answered . With her permission, here are her class tutor's comments from her end of year report ...
"This is an excellent report reflecting her general attitude in school and positive nature. Star has made good progress, attaining high standards across the curriculum. Her attitude to learning and the school experience is enthusiastic. She is always organised with her Planner and in bringing the necessary equipment to lessons. Homework tasks are presented on time, to a very good standard. Star relates on a very mature level to adults and has positive relationships with her peers. She is a polite, friendly girl who works well on her own or with a partner. Star has contributed often to the wider community of the school. With her attitude and aptitude, I have complete confidence that Star will do well. She has been a valuable member of the class, always ready to help and provide support. Her next class tutor will be lucky to have her in class."
We didn't have the same doubts about Angel, and so were pleased but not surprised that her report (which she is also happy for me to share) was written in equally glowing terms ...
"What a super report! Angel has made excellent progress in the time that she has been with us. She settled in so well, it is as if she has always been here. Angel displays enthusiasm for all aspects of the curriculum and is keen to do well. She has a very mature approach to her studies and I have been impressed by her determination to produce a high standard of work at all times. She is a conscientious pupil who always gives her best, is keenly motivated and sets her own standards. Although quiet, she is always polite and helpful, and has developed more self confidence throughout the year. She has been a pleasure to teach. I wish her every success for the future."
It seems the anecdotal evidence about home educated children adapting well to school, proving to be mature, responsible and well motivated, is on the nail.


  1. Of course! :) Glad to see they've settled in so well!

  2. It's great, isn't it?

    Well done to both girls, btw!
