Thursday, July 10, 2008

Strawberry Pink

While we were at the seaside we took Little Cherub for her first "proper" ice cream (a cone, rather than a lolly or ice cream in a bowl), much to her excitement. As we waited to order ...

Me: Would you like a strawberry one?

Cherub: (drawing herself up to her full thirty one inches and hugely indignant at this apparent change of plan) No!!!! Ice cream!!!!!!

Me: (regrouping rapidly) Would you like a pink ice cream?

Cherub: (blissful) Yeeessss ...

How I wish I had remembered the camera to take a picture of an ecstatic Cherub taking her first exploratory lick of that strawberry ice cream.


  1. Even without a picture, I can imagine the level of cuteness. :-)

  2. So far I've been a mean mommy and have only let Bella share ice creams with me. I get a cone or a cup and give her spoonfuls (spoonsful?)

    And I almost always get mint chocolate chip. Bella doesn't have a choice. Not that she minds.

    She does have a little plastic ice cream cone with a scoop of pink icecream that came in a set of plastic food she got for Christmas. It's one of her favorite items and she carries it about everywhere. She uses it as a microphone as well as pretending to eat it, offering it to me and to her dollies. She's discovered how to remove the scoop of icecream from the cone and to reattach it. Quite fun. Perhaps I should buy her a cone of pink ice cream next time we get a treat.

  3. Anonymous2:08 pm

    What a sweetheart! :) She deserves nothing but perfectly pink ice cream cones if that is what her little heart desires!

  4. Melanie, Cherub has a similar toy - cones and ice cream that stick together with velcro - that she loves, which I think is why she was so excited about the ice cream. I was surprised how well she coped with the cone, with virtually no mess. She was quite willing to accept that I should lick round it to stop it dripping, so in practice it was a shared ice cream that she held ;). I probably ate as much or more than she did, but she was very happy!
