Saturday, December 14, 2013

Update Number 1

I think it will take a post each to fill in the gaps since I last blogged for myself and the girls (not so much has been going on with Tevye). I'll go in age order, so starting with me ...

It hasn't been an easy three months. My oldest friend died of cancer in November. We had been friends since our school days, and although we rarely saw each other in recent years as she lived some distance away she was the closest I will ever have to a sister. She had been ill - very ill - for six months. Fortunately I was able to visit her in September, which we both knew was goodbye. Her funeral was hard and my heart aches for her husband and her son. I will miss her.

Work has been hard too. I still love my job, but our department is undergoing a reshuffle which means many of my colleagues have been living with uncertainty since the beginning of September. Some people's jobs will change, some will get demoted, others promoted, and at least two will lose their jobs completely. Communication from above has been bad which has added to everyone's stress. The end game is going to play out over the next couple of weeks, so in the new year at least everyone will know where they stand. Some people will not be having a happy Christmas though. The decisions that are about to be taken on who gets which job will also have a direct effect on me as certain permutations will make my working life much more pleasant than others. Result: anxiety. On the positive side, I am now officially qualified as an archivist, with the piece of paper to prove it.

So much for my update - not a very happy one I'm afraid. At least I am optimistic that the next three months will be much less stressful. Fortunately the updates for the girls will be much more upbeat!


  1. Ah, my prayers are with you!

  2. I get the stress of job uncertainty only all too well. Hoping that the more pleasant versions happen and am still so sorry to hear of the death of your friend. You are blessed to have known her so long and to get to say good bye.

  3. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your best friend. I lost mine several years ago and I must say I miss her still. I started writing and find that all my great characters have parts of my best friend in them. It brings me joy to write about the good times we had together. As you go through this year think about all the good times you had with your friend and when sadness overwhelms just think of her smile. May God Bless You.

    Mary Ellen

  4. So sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. I lost my best friend to cancer when we were both 16, and although 30 years have now gone by, I still think about her on at least a weekly basis.

  5. So sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. I lost my best friend to cancer when we were both 16, and although 30 years have now gone by, I still think about her on at least a weekly basis.

  6. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. It's especially tough at this time of year when you think back on holiday times that you have shared together. Cherish the memories - sending hugs to you.
