Monday, December 09, 2013

This Week: 9th December 2013

The weather ... average December weather. Not too cold, sometimes damp and grey, sometimes not. There were a couple of very wet, windy and cold days last week, but nothing out of the ordinary is in this week's forecast.

I am wearing ... warm, fleecy pyjamas.

I am reading ... a book about the effect of First World War casualties on the families left behind. Can't remember the title offhand but it was a Kindle Daily Deal I picked up a while ago.

I am creating ... socks for Christmas presents.

I am listening ... Christmas carols by Maddy Prior and the Carnival Band. English folk music, with lots of traditional carols.

I am watching ... not much. I watched a documentary on the life of C.S.Lewis last night. Mostly life is busy and TV tends to be low on my list of ways to spend my spare time.

I am enjoying ... playing Christmas music. One busy band weekend done, two more to go. The brass band concert I played in on Saturday was particularly good and kicked off the Advent / Christmas musical season in style.

From the learning rooms ... I officially passed my archive course and now have the certificate to prove it.

On the menu ... everything is too chaotic with too many people doing too much stuff out of the house to be worth menu planning in the run up to Christmas.

On the calendar ...
Tuesday: Marie gets her braces off! She has been counting the days. Rose has school Christmas play performances Tuesday and Wednesday, but maternal incompetence meant the form asking for tickets didn't get handed in on time and the only performance we could have watched is full. Bad mummy!
Wednesday: band practice.
Thursday: office Christmas lunch for me.
Friday: Christmas meal in the evening with Michael's colleagues.
Saturday: playing carols at a local shopping centre (mall) in the morning then going out for a Christmas meal with our neighbours in the evening. Apparently meals out are like buses. You wait ages for one and then three come at once.
Sunday: possible playing more Christmas carols in the evening, but as there are enough other trombonists going I think I may take a break and skip out on that one.

A picture from last week ... a seasonally attired tuba from Saturday's Christmas concert.


  1. Marie must be so excited! My Calli is getting her braces put on in a couple of hours (!). She's had the head-gear for ages and is not looking forward to this phase!

    Lovely to have you posting again :-)

  2. Thanks Ellie. I hope the braces fitting went well and she isn't too uncomfortable.

  3. Thanks :-) Well, her teeth are hurting but they tell me that only lasts the first day or two. Poor girl.

  4. Happy day for Marie!

    We love Maddy Prior here ... such good stuff.

  5. Hope the week goes well :)
