Monday, September 02, 2013

This Week: 2nd September 2013

The weather ... still thinks it is summer, not that I will see much of it as I went back to work today and more autumnal weather is forecast for the end of the week.

I am wearing ... black leggings and a grey leopard print tunic.

I am reading ... Let Me Tell You a Story by James and Joan O'Keefe. Their book The Forever Young Diet and Lifestyle kickstarted my healthy eating changes a couple of years ago and I want to keep myself motivated. I don't think I'm in danger of losing my good eating habits but I want to do better with exercies.

I am creating ... a light green sweater. I have knitted almost the entire body in a week. That's what having knitting and reading time while on holiday does for me!

I am listening ... to peace and quiet. Marie and Rose have gone to bed and Helen is out.

I am watching ... the hugely addictive Great British Bake Off.

I am enjoying ... life. And I am hugely grateful for it. I have friends who are facing life or death situations. I am hurting for them but also realising how important it is to count my blessings.

From the learning rooms ... Marie goes back to school on Wednesday and Rose on Thursday

On the menu ... menu planning has gone pear-shaped this week as the oven is on the blink. A repair man is coming next Monday. Meanwhile I am thinking more about how to cook than what to cook.

On the calendar ...
Monday: Back to work for me. Marie finally made it back from Bulgaria this morning after a three day overland trip.
Tuesday: Back to work for Tevye.
Wednesday: Back to school for Marie; back to band for me. I have the day off work to look after Rose. Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) starts, so Tevye will be going to synagogue.
Thursday: Back to school for Rose; back to orchestra for me. I am taking another day off work, this time to visit a dear friend who is very ill. I am grateful for a job with good paid holiday time (26 days a year) and the ability to take flexible days off if I work the hours in advance.
Friday: Back to work again for me!
Saturday: A free day?
Sunday: Tevye and I are planning to drive down to London to visit his parents' graves (something Jewish people prioritise around New Year).

A picture from last week ... a slightly uncertain Rose on one of those giant bungee trampoline things (I'm sure they have a name, but I don't know what it is!)

1 comment:

  1. Counting blessings is always a good thing. Hope the traveller has recovered from her trip and the oven gets repaired quickly.
