Tuesday, August 27, 2013

This Week: 26th August 2013

Yes, I am still here!

The weather ... beautiful late summer weather, warm and mostly sunny. Perfect as we are spending the week in a caravan on the Dorset coast at Weymouth

I am wearing ... pyjamas. Enjoying being lazy.

I am reading ... It's a Don's Life, the book of a blog by Cambridge classicist Mary Beard. Easy to dip into, but also teaching me snippets about the classics and the ancient world as I read.

I am creating ... a light green sweater, knitting in the round top down. I can't remember the pattern name offhand. I wanted mindless knitting and non-taxing reading this week.

I am listening ... to noises from outside the caravan and Rose watching something on the iPad. Helen and A (who has joined us for a few days and really needs a blog name) are about to take Rose to the soft play area. Marie is not with us this week as she has gone back to Bulgaria to work with the gypsy community again. This time they are painting a school, helping to set up a pig farm, and running children's activities.

I am watching ... not much. I'm coming to the conclusion that TV and I mostly don't get along. Watching TV is so far at the bottom of my pecking order of things to do that I rarely bother, and the less I watch the harder I find it to focus even on things I really want to see.

I am enjoying ... rest. Catching up on sleep. Time to read, walk, swim and just be.

From the learning rooms ... I finished my course! The whole thing! I submitted my two final assignments on Friday and should now be a qualified archivist and records manager. The last three months have been tough going, trying to combine full time work, family, music and studying something I really didn't enjoy - the rest of the course has been fine, but records management is just not me. The last effort on the final assignments was a constant battle not to lose focus. The last few weeks have left me feeling overtired both physically and mentally and dragging through everything. I badly needed this break and an opportunity to recharge my batteries.

On the menu ... whatever we feel like that takes minimal effort. Quite a bit of eating out and takeaways.

On the calendar ... nothing!

A picture from yesterday ...


  1. Oh congratulations on finishing your course! That's wonderful; you've worked so hard. So happy for you :-)

  2. Congratulations on finishing and being sensible enough to know mindless reading, a glass or two of wine and some down time were necessary.

    Wookie & I are watching mindless tv for half an hour before bed as a way to wind down - we're currently working through 'A Year At Kew' on youtube :)
