Monday, February 04, 2013

This Week: 4th February 2013

The weather ... The snow melted, was replaced by unseasonably warm temperatures marred by wind and rain, and is now back to cool but dry.

I am wearing ... Black and white knitted fair isle dress (three sizes too large, but warm and cozy and just about still wearable, and about the only piece of pre-weight loss clothing I haven't yet thrown out), black cardigan, black tights, black shoe boots (the comfiest pair of heels I possess, which I can happily wear all day).

I am reading ... Kind of ground to a halt, but have lots of books stacking up on my Kindle and hope to get some reading in over the next week.

I am creating ... Blue lacy socks

I am listening ... To Mumford and Sons, Noah and the Whale, Handel's organ concerto No.13, and Freitas Branco symphony No,2, among other things.

I am watching ... Call the Midwife, Miranda.

I am enjoying ... The news that King Richard III's body has been positively identified after being found under a car park in Leicester last year (for American English speakers, you might like to know that Leicester is pronounced Lester)

From the learning rooms ... Rose has developed a liking for maths and has decided it is her favourite subject, along with science, Marie, on the other hand, is disliking it (despite having a maths brain) thanks to a personality clash with her teacher.

On the menu ... Playing it by ear this week

On the calendar ... Marie leaves for Bulgaria tomorrow, and Tevye and I are looking forward to a long weekend away on our own.

A picture (or two) from last week ...

A shiny sink. I'm very slowly dipping a toe back into FlyLady.

I had to come up with a Scottish dessert for our regular dinner evening with our neighbours. This is cranachan, made with cream, toasted oatmeal, honey, whisky and raspberries - except I cheated and used Bailey's Irish Cream (yes, I knwo that isn't Scottish!) as i don't like whisky.


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    Mary Ellen Shea Clifford
