Monday, January 21, 2013

This Week: 21st January 2013

The weather ... Snow!!! An inch or two last Friday, followed by more on Sunday giving about 4 inches in total. Helen and Marie's school had a snow day, but Rose's stayed open. Tevye decided to stay home, but I made it to work ok, doubling up with a colleague who lives nearby. The roads were actually surprisingly good - usually any significant snowfall in the UK creates traffic chaos.

I am wearing ... Black jeans, black t-shirt, black and maroon striped sweater

I am reading ... Swiss Watch (but haven't read much this week)

I am creating ... Cream sweater for myself. Just the neckline to go.

I am listening ... Still on an English classical composers kick

I am watching ... Miranda and a new series of Call the Midwife

I am enjoying ... The snow turning everything into a winter wonderland.

From the learning rooms ... Two GCSE science exams for Marie last week. I don't think she is very optimistic about the results.

On the menu ...
Monday: Sausages and mash, sweetcorn
Tuesday: Fish and chips
Wednesday: Chicken, veggies
Thursday: Something from the freezer (I have to work late)
Friday: ??
Saturday: Chicken soup
Sunday: Turkey leftovers with roast potatoes and parsnips

On the calendar ... Not too much!
Thursday: Open evening at the archive to celebrate our centenary
Saturday: Local drama group panto - I know a few of the cast so Tevye and I are going along to watch. Pantomimes are considered too scary by
Sunday: Helen has her final assessment for her gymnastics coaching qualification

A picture from last week ...


  1. I think after last winter every council figured they'd better stock up. Radio reported that stocks were at record highs :)

    Hope the results for the GCSEs and certification are good.

  2. It snowed this morning here too. What English classical composers are you listening to?
