Monday, November 19, 2012

This Week: 19th November 2012

The weather ... alternating between dull late autumn weather and bright late autumn weather.

I am wearing ... Black trousers, dark red long sleeved t-shirt, black cardigan, black boots

I am reading ... almost finished To The Island by Meaghan Delahunt on the Kindle. I picked it up as a deal of the day because of the Greek setting and have found it well written and readable, though not the type of book I would normally choose.

I am creating ... socks and sweater. Still.

I am listening ... to Rose snoring. She climbed into my bed ten minutes ago, apparently awake. Not that awake, it seems!

I am watching watched ... Skyfall at the cinema, and Testament of Youth on DVD. This was a dramatisation of Vera Brittain's book about her life during the First World War which made a deep impression on me when I watched it as a teenager in the 70s. Well worth watching again

I am enjoying ... the Oxford English Dictionary word of the year for 2012, "omnishambles", meaning a situation which is so badly managed that every aspect of it is shambolic. Last week my life was an omnishambles, hence the lack of blogging. Nothing major, just a series of family issues (across three generations) and minor mishaps which accumulated into a state of overall chaos. I was delighted to find I could encompass the whole situation in a single word!

Learning notes ... Rose has just started violin lessons at school. She brought a letter home about it a few weeks ago, but by the time she had remembered to collect the letter and give it to me the teacher's list was full. She now has an extra slot so was able to take Rose, who is having a shared lesson with a friend in her class.

On the menu ...
Monday: chicken pie, butternut squash, sprouts, potato
Tuesday: fish and chips
Wednesday: chicken casserole with dumplings
Thursday: toad in the hole, carrots, cabbage
Friday: cod and mushroom bake
Saturday: Marie and I will be out, so leaving the rest of the family to fend for themselves!
Sunday: roast lamb

On the calendar ...
Friday: non-uniform day for Rose
Saturday: going to the Christmas market and fair at Birmingham with Marie
Sunday: taking Helen to see the Twilight movie (no, I'm not a Twilight fan, just a kind mother!)
Rest of the week normal routine I hope!

A picture from last week ... nothing on my iPad from last week, so here is a gratuitous butterfly picture, taken at the zoo in the summer.


  1. Katie Hunt3:19 pm

    Great blog and great post. I really enjoy the way you write your posts. It's so simple yet gets your point across. The web design on your blog is just that way as well. I look forward to more posts to come!

  2. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas! Hoping all is well, as it's been a little while since you posted.
