Monday, November 05, 2012

The weather ... Chilly but at least it is dry after a miserable, wet day yesterday.

I am wearing ... Green skinny jeans, black long sleeved t-sort, old grey cardigans, soft spotty purple socks.

I am reading ... I'm not making any headway with The Happiness Equation. Time to move on to something else.

I am creating ... A scrapbook for my mother for Christmas. Still knitting the cream Bedford sweater and stripy socks.

I am listening ... To the news on TV.

I am watching ... Downton Abbey series 3 finished last night. At least there is a Christmas special to look forward to.

I am enjoying ... Path. This iPad / iPhone app seems to mix some of the best aspects of Facebook with Instagram. I have no friends using Path (yet?)so I'm playing all alone, using it as a way of keeping a pictorial diary. I think it is meant to be used as a smaller, more private social network than Facebook, ideal for families or small groups of friends, but it can also be used to post to Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites.

On the menu ...
Monday: turkey steaks, potato wedges, mushrooms, green veg
Tuesday: chicken, chips and sweetcorn
Wednesday: sole fillets, sweet potato, green beans
Thursday: pasta with tomato sauce and meatballs
Friday: vegetarian chilli
Saturday: soup
Sunday: roast chicken

On the calendar ...
Wednesday: band practice (assuming the flood outside the village hall where we practice has subsided. Sunday's rehearsal had to be cancelld)
Thursday: medical appointment for Tevye; parent-teacher consultation for Marie
Friday: going to the cinema with Tevye to see Skyfall (not sure yet whether this will be Friday or later in the weekend)
Sunday: playing at two Remembrance Day services with the band. Then going to Helen's boyfriend A's house to celebrate his 18th birthday.

A picture from last week ... Our miniature sized Rose still fits comfortably in an IKEA shopping trolley!


  1. Hope the flood has subsided - the rain has been impressive hasn't it?

    Yeah for making a scrapbook too :)

  2. Path sounds interesting - must have a look at it. I'm sad now that Downton has finished - think I enjoyed the third series more than the second. Roll on the Christmas special!
