Sunday, October 21, 2012

This Week: 22 October 2012

The weather ... foggy and damp. Blah.

I am wearing ... black skinny jeans, black and cream floral tunic, black cardigan, old black socks (one of them developed an irritating hole in the toe mid-morning!), black boots

I am reading ... The Happiness Equation , but haven't got very far with it.

I am creating ... a second Bedford sweater, for myself this time. I finished Marie's yesterday. I have a scarily long list of Pre- Christmas knitting to get through, but I also need a cosy winter woolly. I can knit quickly!

I am listening ... to Fun., Mumford & Sons, and Jllohn Williams movie themes.

I am watching ... Downtown Abbey, Strictly Come Dancing and X Factor. Who Do You Think You Are and Great British Bake Off finished last week. Apparently a new series of Call the Midwife is starting soon. I gather the first series has recently started in the US. We loved it, though found it slightly alarming that a "historical" drama was set I. The time and place where Tevye was born!

I am enjoying ... making plans for various social evens and trips out over the next couple of months.

Learning notes ... Rose's teachers gave her the most glowing school report last week. Not only is she doing very well academically, she is also hard working, polite and caring. Marie had various test results back, with excellent marks in French and maths. The less said about science the better!

On the menu ...
Monday: chicken stir fry
Tuesday: fish and chips
Wednesday: ready meals from the freezer (crazy busy evening!)
Thursday: cod with mushrooms and courgettes
Friday: veggie chilli
Saturday: round-the-world meal with our neighbours (we are responsible for the main course. Helen picked a country out of the hat for us. I think it was a country that got added after we had drunk a glass or wine too many! Think I can rise to the challenge though)
Sunday: roast chicken

On the calendar ...
Wednesday: Rose has her first ballet exam in he afternoon; band practice in the evening
Saturday: meal with neighbours
Sunday: band practice
- otherwise a quiet week

A picture from last week ... found on my photostream! A certain small person is very fond of the Fairy Colors iPad app.


  1. maybe it's a housework fairy? I'm still looking for mine.

  2. Hello
    I've tried several times over the years to leave a comment, but have always had unco-operative computers. ! So I'm glad I decided to give it one more try. I've been reading your blog for years- you were still home schooling when I found you! I imagine I'd googled Charlotte Mason, as I'd trained as a teacher at Charlotte Mason College and was very interested in how her ideas were still being used. Anyway, thank you for all the interesting posts along the way. I'm really enjoying the inspiring healthy eating posts! Byt I'm a 51yrold supply teacher, married to a physics teacher, two children-Jacob nearly 20 at uni and Reb17doing AS levels and live in Dorset. Now I'veintroduced myself I feel less of a voyeur!! Thanks again for sharing your world. Best wishes Penny L x
