Friday, October 26, 2012

31 Days of Healthy Eating - Caribbean Stew

For the last couple of days I have taken a portion of this tasty veggie dish to work to eat for lunch. Based on root vegetables, pineapple and coconut cream give it a Caribbean twist.

Chop one onion and one red pepper. Sauté in a little oil with some chopped ginger and garlic (I use about a teaspoon of each from Waitrose Cook's Ingredients frozen pre-prepared range of herbs and spices). Peel and cube root veggies - the original recipe calls for one sweet potato, a parsnip and a small swede, but any combination will do. Add to the pan and sauté for another 3 minutes. Add two tablespoons of tomato purée, 4 tablespoons of coconut cream, a pint of pineapple juice and chilli powder to taste. Simmer gently until veggies are tender.

I tend to vary this by using canned pineapple instead of pineapple juice, adding the juice from the can and some chunks of pineapple, then topping up with water until the sauce is the right consistency (not too thick, but not too liquidy either!). It freezes well, which makes it easy to take left over portions as lunches (there is a microwave in our staff room so I can heat it up).

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