Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Wildsmith Lent and Easter

Cherub and books are an unpredictable combination. Being Miss Stubborn and Contrary she wants to choose her own books, not let me choose them for her, and over-enthusiasm on my part is likely to persuade her that she does not want to read that particular book! Also, timing is everything - sometimes she just isn't ready for a book and it has to be put away, then a bit later she will latch on to it. 

This Lent I decided I would like to read Bible stories to her, but she is not in the mood for the Lion First Bible that she liked a couple of years ago (and, darn it, I lost our second copy and was reduced to borrowing it from the library). I was thinking of trying the Lion Storyteller Bible, but before I got round to getting that out she was diverted by Brian Wildsmith's Jesus, drawn in by the gorgeous illustrations and the familiarity of the Nativity story. As a picture book, it is quite substantial, and we are working through it three or four pages at a time, which seems about right to allow a bit of discussion and a close look at the pictures.

Once Cherub takes to a book, she usually likes to work her way through as many books in the series or by the same author as I can find for her, so I think we are heading into a Wildsmith Lent and Easter. I already have The Easter Story, a simpler book than Jesus and like his A Christmas Story told from the perspective of a donkey. To round things out I am planning to add Moses for Passover and Mary for May. I also have Saint Francis, which Angel loved but Cherub hasn't wanted to read yet, and may dig that out if the Wildsmith kick lasts. I'm happy to keep going with it as long as possible, as I love the colour and detail of Wildsmith's illustrations. Perhaps I should also throw in Joseph to go with Moses. 

1 comment:

  1. That reminds me I need to dig out our copy of The Easter Story. I didn't know he'd done all those other books. I'll have to hunt them down.
