Monday, March 28, 2011

Simple Woman's Daybook: 28th March 2011

Outside my window ... a beautiful sunny spring day, warm enough to go out without a coat.

I am thinking ... about the final assignments for my course. I want to get as much done as possible over the next couple of weeks before the girls finish school for Easter.

From the learning rooms ... nothing particularly noteworthy this week.

I am thankful ... for warmer days and lighter evenings.

From the kitchen ... lots of old bananas need using up, so I'm going to try making banana muffins and banana bread. Not sure who, if anyone (apart from me!) will eat them, but worth a try.

This week's menu plan:
Monday: Chicken stir fry
Tuesday: Mince and sweet potato pie
Wednesday: Chicken in bbq sauce
Thursday: Pasta with red pesto and creme fraiche
Friday: ????
Saturday: Around the world meal with our neighbours. I am supposed to be making the main course and have completely forgotten what country I picked out of the hat?
Sunday: Roast lamb

I am wearing ... jeans, purple sweater and cardigan, hand-knitted bamboo socks.

I am creating ... nearly finished with the body of the mountain view cardigan and just one front of the aran cardigan to go. I am taking a break to knit a pair of cotton socks for my Mum.

I am going ... to stop procrastinating and start decluttering.

I am reading ...  The Tale of Briar Bank by Susan Wittig Albert. Light reading.

I am hoping ... Mum's recovery continues. She is back home and much better in herself, but still finding walking harder than she did before her bout of cellulitis.

I am hearing ... Cherub talking to her Sylvanian Families figures.

Around the house ...  frankly, a mess. Everything is in serious need of cleaning and decluttering. Other people may get the urge to spring clean. Unfortunately, I don't. My policy of ignoring it and hoping it will go away is not working.

One of my favourite things ... wild, bleak moorland. Tevye prefers the dales, I prefer the moors. Something about all that space.

A few plans for the rest of the week ... Tevye's birthday tomorrow (no special plans as we went away for the weekend); usual band, orchestra and archive commitments; around the world meal with our neighbours on Saturday.

A picture thought I am sharing ... I saw this cat while we were away. Don't you love the way he just stayed defiantly on a car roof, staring me out! And the way his fur matches the colour of the stone wall.

 Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman


  1. Reading this I realized (yet again) that I don't really know what moors are or dales. Oh I know in a general sort of way what the definitions are; but not in the sort of way of having experienced both, the way that could have a preference for one over the other. we just don't have moors or dales in the States. I guess I'm like Emily Dickinson I know what heather is (I think I've seen it once or twice) and what a moor must be.

    I love the way the cat's fur matches the stonework! Beautiful photo.

  2. What a beautiful cat!

    As for ignoring housework... except for my Physics teacher explaining that after six months the dust layer will have enough negative/positive particles to repel more dust landing... I've not heard any scientific evidence supporting that theory sorry! :lol:
