Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Simple Woman's Daybook: 22nd March 2011

Outside my window ... a little grey, but forecast to be a nice spring day. I actually managed to go out without a coat yesterday. So glad it is finally spring!

I am thinking ... about plans for the Easter holidays. Star is spending a long weekend in Devon with a friend. There is likely to be a zoo trip for Cherub and Little Friend N, and Angel and I are planning a mother-daughter shopping trip while Star is away.

From the learning rooms ... Angel has lots of PE this week, preparing for practical GCSE assessments over the next couple of weeks. She came home with aching legs yesterday after three hours of rounders. One of Cherub's topics this week is bird's eye views - their theme this half-term is "In the Air".

I am thankful ... Mum is well on the mend after last week's medical dramas. The antibiotics have done their job and her foot both looks and feels much better.

From the kitchen ... chicken in some shape or form tonight, I think.

I am wearing ... black and white pyjamas.

I am creating ... still working on the aran cardigan and mountain view cardigan. I have a few other project plans building up.

I am going ... away for the weekend with Tevye. Can't wait!

I am reading ...  South Riding by Winifred Holtby, which has gripped me even more than the TV series. I would have finished it before now if life hadn't intervened and curtailed my reading time. Winifred Holtby was a extremely gifted writer. So tragic that this was her last book - she died while still only in her 30s, and South Riding was published posthumously. I'll write a proper review once I finish.

I am hoping ... I can manage to get some studying done today despite having Cherub home sick with a cold.

I am hearing ... Tevye and Cherub discussing breakfast. I really should be getting up!

Around the house ...  Cherub has moved in with Star so that Grandma can have her room. They are the best combination as Angel and Cherub are light sleepers and Star a deep sleeper who is less likely to be disturbed by Cherub. Having said that, if Cherub wakes, Star has been climbing into bed with her to settle her. We keep finding them curled up together.

One of my favourite things ... seeing the beautiful relationship between Cherub and her big sisters.

A few plans for the rest of the week ... trying to get a couple of assignments for my course finished before we go away on Friday; going to watch Star's Year 8 play (Merrick) tonight; doctor's appointment for Mum tomorrow morning (after which we are hoping she will get the all clear to go home); band practice tomorrow evening; archive on Thursday; weekend AWAY!!!!

A picture thought I am sharing ... Happy Thing Number 6 - sharing books with Cherub

 Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman

1 comment:

  1. I read South Riding many years ago, my copy has very yellowing pages, is second impression 1967 and cost 5/-.

    Another one on the long list to re-read. Somehow knitting and the laptop are edging out reading apart from Book Club.
