Friday, March 18, 2011

Five Minute Friday: On Waiting

I don't have much blogging time but feel the urge to write something, so I thought I'd try this Five Minute Friday meme from Gypsy Mama. The rules are:
This is the place where once a week we take the chance to
just write, and not worry if it’s just right or not.
For five minutes flat.
Here’s how the game works: you simply stop, drop and write. Set your words free. Don’t edit them, don’t fret over them, don’t try to make them perfect.
This week's prompt is ON WAITING. Here goes ...

Strange. When I think of it I realise I am good at waiting for events, but bad at waiting for things. Clearly I am more materialistic than I like to think. If I want something, I want it now! On the other hand, I don't fall into the trap of wishing my days away to get to some special time quicker. I am not one of those who count down the days to a holiday (that would be vacation if you speak American English) or other special event on the calendar. I am definitely someone who lives in the present. I like to imagine the future, but I don't waste time waiting for it.

Yikes! Five minutes is not long. I am almost out of time! Trying to think of times that I have been conscious of waiting. Pregnancy is the obvious one. And there, I do get impatient, just because I want it to be over. I am not one of those people who blooms in pregnancy, to say the least. so not only do I want to meet the baby, but I can't wait to feel well again.

Whew! Out of time!


  1. So happy you took some time to join Five Minute Friday! You wrote a good post, and I'm impressed with your patience level. I hope you'll join the challenge again. Blessings!

  2. We are waiting for a baby here and it is a delicious time of expectation but I can hardly wait to hold the baby! It does help that I am not the one enormously pregnant!
