Monday, October 11, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook: 11th October

Outside My Window ... St. Luke's little summer. A beautiful, sunny October day, with just a hint of autumn chill in the wind.

I am thinking ... about what has been and what is to come. Round number birthdays have that effect.

From the learning rooms ... two visits to upper schools for Star completed, another to come on Friday - back to the school we looked at last week, to see it in action on an open morning. Next up are visits to Sixth Forms for Angel who has to decide whether to stay at the same school next year or move somewhere else (Sixth Form is the equivalent of the last two years of high school in the US - the name has stuck from old-fashtioned names for UK school years that have otherwise disappeared, leaving us with Sixth Form following Year 11). She has to pick four subjects to study, and is considering Business Studies, Information Technology, Media Studies, Photography, Product Design (Graphics) and English Language. Mostly practical stuff for a practical person.

I am thankful ... for modern conveniences. Running water, flushing toilets, central heating, electricity, cars - all those things I take for granted, but which it would be so hard to live without.

From the kitchen ... this week's menu plan:
Today: Baked potatoes and chilli
Tuesday: Pasta with tomato pesto
Wednesday: Beef stew and dumplings
Thursday: Fish and chips
Friday: Slow cooked chicken and potatoes
Saturday: Burgers (that didn't get eaten last week)
Sunday: Roast chicken

I am wearing ... dark grey trousers, long sleeved purple t-shirt, hand knitted socks

I am creating ... a cardigan for myself. Cherub's ballet cardigan was finished in time for her to wear to her class last week.

I am going ... nowhere. It's good to have a day at home for a change - there nearly always seems to be somewhere I have to go.
I am reading ... trying to finish off a couple of half read books.

I am hoping ... Star and Angel make the right decisions over schools for next year.

I am hearing ...  Angel's iPod playing. Other than that, too much silence considering the girls are supposed to be getting up and ready for school.

Around the house ... still clutter. Progress on the clutter front: zero. Or worse still, negative progress.

One of my favorite things ... peace and quiet.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... usual work (freelance and voluntary) and band rehearsals; Wednesday - orthodontist's appointment for Angel; Thursday - taking my Mum to an appointment with her surgeon; Friday - my birthday!; Saturday - band concert; Sunday - gymnastics competition for Star (I think).

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ... Cherub experimenting with the camera!

  Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman


  1. Would you please send me an e-mail so I can talk to you privately? If you click on my profile, you can find my e-mail address. Thanks.

  2. Sounds lovely! Enjoy your day!!

  3. Fun shot and where has that 'little summer' gone? I'd like a few more weeks please...
