Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Random Dozen: 13th October

1. Is there a word which you initially mispronounced? Were the circumstances in which you made the faux pas embarrassing?
Surprisingly, I can't think of one. 

2. How do you feel about the use of texting shortcuts and trends? (ex: "I've got ur notes. Get them 2 u 2morow.") 
Fine if you are texting, but I hate it anywhere else.

3. Tell me about your high school senior picture. Please feel free to post.
There was no such thing here when I was that age. Just one of those group photos, with the entire school year group posed in long lines. I think I have it somewhere, but it is too long to scan.

Oops! No Question 4!

5. Share a high school or college homecoming memory.
Again, no such thing here. Or, at least, I don't think there is. I've never actually been able to work out quite what "homecoming" is!

6. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
I'm a night owl. I love sunsets, but sunrises are something I try to avoid.

7. What is something you have not done that you desire to do?
Learn to spin.

8. If you could come back [in another life] as an animal, which would it be?
Hard decision, that! On the one hand, I would like to be an eagle because it looks so wonderful to fly high. On the other hand, I might prefer the comfortable life of a pampered domestic cat.

9. Where were you 10 years ago? Please feel free to elaborate more than just your physical location.
Living in the same house with Tevye and two small girls - Angel would have been five and Star two. That was the autumn when they both had chicken pox, though I think they had recovered by mid-October. We were homeschooling, and just beginning to get to know other homeschooling families. I was teaching medieval history at university one or two evenings a week, and also doing a bit of freelance work for Tevye's company. And ten years ago this week I was celebrating my 40th birthday!

10. When you are proven to be correct in any contentious discussion, do you gloat?
Only in fun, with someone who would take it in good humour!

11. What is your favorite food which includes the ingredient "caramel?"
Chocolate caramel shortbread.

12. If you could be part of any fictional family, which family would you choose and why?
The Maynards from Elinor M Brent Dyer's Chalet School series, closely followed by the Pevenseys from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

Visit Linda at 2nd Cup of Coffee for more Random Dozens


  1. I've wondered what 'homecoming' is, why are they coming home? From where?

    As for pronouncing things incorrectly, lol, I once read a scripture in church from, I think, Isaiah and had to pronounce the word 'potsherd'. Instead of pronouncing it correctly, i.e. pot-SHerd, I pronounced it 'pots-Herd'. *ahem* I went pink for about a month every time I thought of it.

  2. Homecoming is a high school celebration that welcomes back former students for a weekend of festivities. There is usually a parade, a football game, and a dance. It's a chance for those who have recently graduated to reconnect with their friends still in school, and for those older alumni to relive a little of their high school days.

    I didn't realize there wasn't a number 4 until I read your list! I just cut and pasted and typed my answers.

    I have to say I like the pampered domesticated cat answer - eat, sleep, stretch, eat, sleep, stretch, what a life!

  3. Thanks Pamela. It all makes sense now.

    Mrs Sunshine ... LOL! I've heard of herding sheep, but never pots ;).

  4. Please post this interview of one of our members on EWTN about Our Lady's Shrine in Knock on your excellent blog:

    It would also be very kind if you could add a link to our blog on yours.

    God bless you!

  5. Please post this interview of one of our members on EWTN about Our Lady's Shrine in Knock on your excellent blog:

    It would also be very kind if you could add a link to our blog on yours.

    God bless you!
