Sunday, October 31, 2010

Catholic Budapest

Matthias Church, the original cathedral in Buda. It dates back to the middle ages, but is mostly a Gothic-style reconstruction:

Isn't this roof amazing?

In the square in front of the Church, a statue of the Holy Trinity.

The cathedral of modern Budapest, St. Stephen's basilica, built in the late 19th century. the weather on Sunday was not as good as Saturday!

The cathedral from the front:

And inside:

A chapel at the back contains Hungary'd modt important relic, the Holy Hand of St. Stephen:

This statue of the Archangel Gabriel stands on a column in Heroes Square:

Although Hungary is nominally Catholic, the impression I got was that Catholic practice was limited. I had hoped to go to Mass at the Cathedral, but it appeared only the small chapel with the relic was in regular use, and there was no obvious advertisement of Mass times.


  1. I am just catching up here - wow! What beautiful photos! I honestly had not realised how lovely Budapest is. In fact, I am appalled to acknowledge just how little I know about Hungary at all. I will have to do some reading asap.
    I hope you are feeling much better now, by the way - those virus thingys are not pleasant at all.

  2. what a gorgeous roof!
