Friday, October 29, 2010


I finally got my Budapest photos uploaded to Flickr. Here are some from our first day in Buda (the older part of the city, on the western bank of the Danube):

The Fisherman's Bastion ... it looks like a fortification, but has never been anything other than decorative.

Further down the Fisherman's Bastion.

A view across the Danube to the Hungarian Parliament.

I loved the way the older building was reflected in the glass windows of the Hilton Hotel opposite.

The buildings in the Buda Castle district were amazing - soft colours, with loads of architectural detail.

I loved this window. Doesn't it look like a Romeo and Juliet balcony?

Part of Buda Castle

This side street was just round the corner from our hotel.


  1. Oh, how beautiful!!!!! (putting Budapest on my "maybe some day" dream list).

  2. Wow beautiful buildings.
