Monday, September 06, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook: 6th September

Outside My Window ... early autumn morning. Pale blue sky with white clouds, and a light breeze. Heavy rain forecast tonight and tomorrow.

I am thinking ... of my dad. Today would have been his 82nd birthday. He was a kind, quiet, gentle man, who lived simply, wanted little and took pleasure in small things.

From the learning rooms ... Cherub's first day of school today. She is excited! She will be going from 12.30 to 3.30 every day this term.

Angel got her first GCSE results back last week - physics, biology, chemistry (together making one single science GCSE); health and social care (half a GCSE, to be combined with coursework she will do this year); philosophy and ethics (2 exams making up half a GCSE, with the other 2 exams to be taken next summer). I had low expectations as she has had mostly poor and disrupted teaching in science since she started school three years ago, and she had an appallingly incompetent teacher for health and social care who didn't even seem to know what the syllabus was meant to be. She got Bs for everything, all of them in the top half of the B range, and a couple just one mark below an A. We are both very happy with that.

Lots of things have been changed around at Star's school thanks to their new headteacher, and they are now being taught in sets rather than in the class groups they have been in for the last three years. Star has been put into Set 2 out of seven sets for maths and English, which I think should be just right for her - challenging but not stressful. She is a bit indignant that she is in the bottom set (out of two) for PE. Apparently her dance and gymnastics skills do not translate into prowess at team games!

I am thankful ... everyone has switched back into the getting up early term time routine so smoothly. It may not last, but I'm thankful while it does!

From the kitchen ... I have the mother of all menu plans. A four week plan, keyed to who is where when and who eats what, alongside a shopping list for a giant beginning-of-the-month shop, followed by weekly top ups as necessary. The giant shop was done over the weekend, so the fridge and kitchen cupboards are groaning. It should work like clockwork (I hope!). Chicken stir fry tonight, with an  Indian ready meal for Star who gets in late and doesn't like stir fry.

I am wearing ... pink pyjamas, blue dressing gown.

I am creating ... a Bitterroot shawl for my Mum in pale green. I scrapped the Travelling Woman shawl I started as it was coming out too long and narrow, and swapped the original blue wool for green (I have a very accommodating local yarn shop). I'm hoping I can finish the shawl and knit matching bedsocks in time for her birthday on September 21st. That might be over optimistic!

I am going ... to make the most of Cherub's mornings at home this term. This week I'm planning to do fairy things with her. I think today we will make fairy cakes.

I am reading ... Bad Science by Ben Goldacre.

I am hoping ... Cherub enjoys her Reception year at school as much as I think she will.

I am hearing ... Little Princess on TV.

Around the house ... today the push to get the house back under control starts!

One of my favorite things ... ironing. Well, OK, not one of my absolutely favourite things, but my favourite houseworky thing. I find it relaxing. Am I weird?

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week ... Testing out the new dance class schedule I worked out with my friend yesterday (who would take and collect which children and when - she has daughters the same age as Angel and Star who take many of the same classes); Hoping to go swimming at least twice; Spending Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at the record office; Band restarts after a three week break; Orchestra may be starting too - need to check this!; Tevye has two days off work for Yom Kippur, so we are planning to go out for lunch while Cherub is at school on Friday; a cousin of Tevye's is visiting on Sunday.

A Picture Thought I Am Sharing ... Cherub's favourite bit of Legoland

 Find instructions and links to other daybooks at The Simple Woman


  1. I must look up Yom Kippur, it's something I've heard of many times but I am unsure what it is.

    Congratulations to Angel, they sound like great results.

    Have a great week. I should be getting showered instead of blogging so I must go - school day!

  2. Congratulations, Angel! Your Dad sounds a lot like mine, "a gentleman of quiet nature" as another family member described him. I miss him dreadfully.

  3. Lauri B7:15 pm

    Well done, Angel! Clearly all those years of excellent Science at home with Mum! :-) (And a naturally good brain.)

    I don't mind most chores but ironing is the worst. If we lived close we could swap jobs!

    Your dad sounds wonderful. My dad was also a kind, friendly man who died at 42 in 1985. I miss him, too, but my Andrew is just like him. It's good we have the memories.

  4. I am a day behind posting The Simple woman's daybook as Mozilla wouldn't let me into my computer.

    Martha sorted things out last night, I have been switched to Chrome and can now just add that I share a birthday with your late father.

    Did you find that usually the weather for 6th September is good, we were blessed with a little rain yesterday but still warmth.

    Birthdays are poignant for those special people in our lives who are no longer with us and I remember parents more on their birthdays than "Years mind" when their names are read out in church.

    I hope Cherub continues to enjoy school.


  5. That is one of our favourite bits of Legoland - Wookie is still cross he's been too big.

    What a lovely memory of your Dad. Glad Cherub enjoys school - fairy stuff sounds fun too.
