Tuesday, September 07, 2010

First Day of School

I was going to post some cute pictures of Cherub in her new school uniform, but she had other ideas and refused point blank to pose for the camera. All was not lost, as her teacher sent home this photo, along with a little note about her day:

She was both excited and a little nervous before she went - Little Miss Timid is not big on new things, and knew I would be leaving her there on her own - but once we got to school she settled in immediately. We discovered where to put her stuff (peg and drawer with her name on), found her name tag (they have to put their name in a basket to show they have arrived), then she spotted a play area set up as a vet's surgery. Her eyes lit up, and she shot off to play, waving goodbye as she went. This term's theme for the little ones is Pets, which she is excited about. The sticker on her dress says "special helper" - being made special helper for the day meant she got to put the register away for her teacher! By the time I collected her, she was a very happy little girl. She skipped home singing "I love school" over and over, and was on a high for the rest of the day.

So far, so good!


  1. Our two were for some reason terrified of the return to school. But they both had wonderful days, thank the Lord!

    That is such a cute picture.

  2. Wonderful! It sounds as though she has a lovely teacher. Happy days!

    Now what are you doing with yourself? Have you managed to get that iPad yet?

  3. Aww, this post brings tears to my eyes. Little Cherub is growing up. I'm SO happy that she had a great first day! Such a big girl!! :)
